Latest Release​


Dive into the adrenaline-fueled world of Richard Mann’s newest release. In this electrifying sci-fi thriller, ancient vampires Lucia and Count Cassian team up with a hero to thwart an alien cult’s occult ambitions.

SAS Captain “BulletProof Pete’s” worst nightmare becomes a reality, propelling him toward the ultimate test of his warrior destiny. After an ancient book of knowledge is snatched , alliances shift, and personal quests unfold in a race against time.



Dive into the adrenaline-fueled world of Richard Mann’s newest release. In this electrifying sci-fi thriller, ancient vampires Lucia and Count Cassian team up with a hero to thwart an alien cult’s occult ambitions.

SAS Captain “BulletProof Pete’s” worst nightmare becomes a reality, propelling him toward the ultimate test of his warrior destiny. After an ancient book of knowledge is snatched , alliances shift, and personal quests unfold in a race against time.

The Author

Richard Mann grew up an avid reader of books from an early age. Richard loves the literary giants Tolkien, Michael Moorcock, Frank Herbert, and Douglas Adams. He is also a big fan of Bernard Cornwell, the historical novelist, and Frederic Forsyth, the great thriller writer. His books are an eclectic mix of all of these!

Richard Mann


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Complete Series​


Embark on a thrilling journey with Richard Mann’s sci-fi thriller series. SAS Super Hero Bulletproof Pete and Vinnie forge an unexpected alliance with ancient vampires to combat an ancient alien threat.

The plot deepens as Caius grapples with waking visions and joins the alliance counteroffensive against the powerful alien menace. Now a demi-god, Caius leads a mission to rescue kidnapped loved ones and confront a traitor who has joined the aliens.

Blending myth, futuristic technology, intrigue, and complex characters, the series promises a roller-coaster of horror and suspense, building to a climactic finale. Brace yourself for an addictive tale of battles, love triangles, ancient prophecies, alliances, and a warrior’s destiny.

Reader Reactions

Dive into the reviews and discover why readers are raving about the gripping narrative, compelling characters, and the thrilling roller-coaster that is the ‘DOMINION First Blood’ series.

Join the chorus of voices celebrating this cosmic adventure that transcends genres and keeps readers guessing until the final page.

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